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Obesity Consultation Specialist

Miracle Mile Pediatrics -  - Pediatrician

Miracle Mile Pediatrics

Pediatricians located in Los Angeles, CA

Childhood obesity is a serious health problem in Los Angeles, CA, and throughout the U.S. At their practice along the Miracle Mile, Miracle Mile Pediatrics provides individual obesity consultation services to help children and their parents understand the causes of obesity so they can make important changes to improve health and wellness.

Obesity Consultation Q&A

How overweight does a child have to be to be obese?

Obesity is determined using the body mass index (BMI), which is a ratio of the child's weight to his or her height. By measuring weight and height and determining a ratio, BMI provides a more standardized method of determining obesity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines childhood obesity as a BMI that is at or above the 95th percentile for children or teens of the same age and sex. That means 95 percent or more children of the same age and sex have a lower BMI than your child. “Overweight” is having a BMI that is at or above the 85th percentile but below the 95th percentile.

What causes obesity?

The two biggest factors contributing to obesity in children and in adults are poor dietary choices (including eating too much and eating foods high in fats and sugars and low in good nutrients) and physical inactivity. Other conditions can also cause or contribute to obesity, including some chronic diseases and genetic conditions. If your child is overweight or obese, having a complete exam and evaluation is the first step in determining the cause and prescribing effective and appropriate treatment options.

What is an obesity consultation?

An obesity consultation includes a comprehensive physical examination including a review of the child's personal and family medical histories to look for underlying issues that may be contributing to the condition. You and your child will also be asked about eating habits including foods choices, frequency of meals and snacks, and portion sizes, as well as physical activities, including organized sports and recreational activities. Lab testing may also be ordered. Based on all those results, a treatment plan can be developed that's based on your child's specific needs, and which may include healthy dietary changes, increased physical activity, or treatment of underlying medical conditions.


Our practice accepts a variety of insurance providers. Please call our office if you have any questions. We offer discounted rates for self-paying patients.

Anthem Blue Cross
Assurant Health
Blue Shield
Health Net
Motion Picture Industry Health Plan
Oscar Health Insurance Co.