A 10 minute grace period is given for all appointments; if you arrive more than 10 minutes late, you will be given these options:
-Reschedule for another date, and today’s visit will be
considered a missed appointment.
-Reschedule for today with another doctor (If Available)
-See the Medical Assistant for Vaccines Only
-Have a brief, shortened visit with your doctor (If Available)
Priority will be given to the patients who arrive on time. If this is an inconvenience you may reschedule. We understand that traffic and parking can take extra time; this is why we call all patients two days prior to their appointment and advise them of their early check-in time, to ensure that they won’t miss their appointment.
1st late cancellation or no show = $50 fee
2nd late cancellation or no show = $100 fee
3rd late cancellation or no show = $150 fee, and so on Thank you for your understanding.*